Today's most complete and current pistol and revolver reloading data. Reloaders are constantly in search of updated data, especially for most recently introduced cartridges. The 3rd Edition of the Lyman Pistol & Revolver Handbook is the most comprehensive we've ever offered. Data encompasses all major brands of bullets, powders and primers. Even the newest Vihta-Vuori and Ramshot powders are included. Most importantly, the 3rd Edition has data covering the popular rounds like: 45 GAP, .480 Ruger and the powerful .500 S&W. Old favorites that are now the rage of Cowboy Shooting competition are also updated, covering 38-40, 44-40, .44 Russian, .45 Schofield and .45 Colt. More than just data charts, this handbook also contains a number of captivating feature articles by well-known writers like Phil Spangenberger, Brian Pearce and Stan Trzoniec. The articles cover such popular subjects as: Cowboy Action shooting, loading for big bore revolvers and handgun varmint hunting. This should be the addition to any reloader's library.